A photomechanical process in which the printing is performed from a recessed surface and the paper comes into direct contact with the plate. negative-positive procedure 一种照相工艺印刷技术,由凹版实现,纸进入印刷机直接与凹版接触。负片-正片反转晒印法
Finite element analysis of femoral shaft fracture fixed by limited contact dynamical compression plate 有限接触动力加压接骨板固定股骨干骨折的三维有限元分析
The basic structure, function and characteristics of XHJ contact type hot plate singeing machine is described in detail. 本文从对照进口圆筒接触式烧毛机开始,全面介绍了XHJ均匀热板接触式烧毛装置的主要结构、功能和特点。
Objective To study the advantage, adaptation and attention of contact limited compression plate in treatment of femoral shaft fracture. 目的:研究限制接触型加压钢板内固定治疗股骨干骨折的优点、适应征及术中的注意事项。
Three Dimension Finite Element Analysis and Biomechanical Study of the Point Contact Locking Plate System 点接触锁定接骨板系统的三维有限元分析及生物力学研究
Biomechanical research on new type point contact locking compression plate with osteoporotic comminuted radial fracture model 点接触锁定加压接骨板固定骨质疏松粉碎性桡骨骨折的生物力学特性
A circular hoop sheet is punched with a spiral line, and one end of the spiral line penetrates through the connecting piece to contact a bottom plate to engage with the screw. 圆形箍片冲制有螺线一端穿过连接件贴靠在底平面并与螺钉相啮合。
Contrast Measurement of Contact Flat plate Quick Freezing Installation for Aquatic Product 冲击式快速冻结装置水产品接触式平板速冻装置对比测试及分析
To determine the mechanical properties ( stiffness) and compression force of a new design of point contact plate, with the ability of dynamic compression for reducing the gap at the fracture site and enhancing the stability. 目的:研制一种可对骨折断端动力加压的点状接触接骨板,对其加压特性及固定的力学稳定性进行评价。
Finite element analysis of inner teeth contact of plate under considering error condition 引入误差情况下的环板齿轮有限元接触分析
The contact problems of plate pressed by sphere 球与弹性板的接触
In numerical simulation of the drawing process of plate material, in order to get reliable calculation results, the dynamic contact of the plate material with the die need to be simulated accurately. 在对板料拉伸成形过程进行数值模拟时,为获得可信的计算结果,需要准确地模拟出模具与板料之间的动态接触。
As a new material, the alloy has found its extensive use in electronics industry and electrical equipment in recent years for the electric contact plate, contact ring, clamping part etc. 近年来该合金作为一种新材料被广泛地用于制作电子工业、电器设备上的电极触头板、接触环、夹持体等零件。
Experimental observation on the changes of stress of long bone fracture treated with multipoint contact plate 多点接触接骨板治疗长管状骨骨折应力变化的试验观察
Contact Limited Plate for the Treatment of Fractures of Limbs 柱桥式接骨板治疗四肢骨折
The Contact Stress of Plate Cam Mechanism with Translating Roller Moving Follower 对心滚子移动从动件盘形凸轮机构的接触应力
A New Distillation Contact Plate& SD-Build-up Bubble-cap Tower Plate 一种新型蒸馏接触板&SD-组合泡罩塔板
Melting and Casting of the Electric Contact Plate with Cu Cr Alloy Cu-Cr合金电极触头板铸件的熔制
Extraperiosteal fixation with contact limited plate for the treatment of fractures of tubular bones of limbs 柱桥式接骨板骨膜外固定治疗四肢管状骨骨折
The model can simulate rheogram of ground different patterns of supports, contact friction between plate and clay, processes of excavation. and can revise soil pressure automatically according to displacements of wall. 该模型能模拟地基的流变性态、支撑方式的变化、板-土之间的接触摩擦以及基坑分步开挖过程,可按墙体位移的变化自动修正土压力。
While traditional internal fixation technique is reform, the design of the plate is also improved. The concept of limited contact plate and point contact plate was introduced. 对传统内固定技术改革的同时,传统接骨板也进行了相应的改进,先后出现了有限接触、点式接触接骨板。
The elastic contact of plate with sphere is considered in this paper. 对刚性和弹性球体与有限厚度弹性板在直压力作用下的接触问题进行分析。
In this paper, The loading stress of voided thick plate on elastic half-space foundation is analysed by use of finite prism method. The elastic half-space foundation is dispersed into sliding clamped prism elements. The contact of plate and foundation is handled. 本文采用有限棱柱法分析了弹性半空间地基上空心厚板的荷载应力,用滑支单元对弹性半空间地基进行单元划分,并处理了板与地基的接触问题。
Conductor resistance will be decreased with increasing of contact diameter, coil height and coil thickness. Quantity of contact plate slots and contact material have influence on conductor resistance too. 增加触头直径、线圈高度、线圈厚度、都可以减小导体电阻,而触头片上开槽数以及触头材料也会对导体电阻产生影响。
Both the piezoelectric and elastic layers are made of transversely isotropic materials, are infinite along the r-axis, and have finite thickness in the z-direction. The elastic contact of plate with sphere is considered in this paper. 压电层与弹性层均为横观各向同性材料,r轴方向无限长,z轴方向有限厚度。对刚性和弹性球体与有限厚度弹性板在直压力作用下的接触问题进行分析。
An experimental study of the conical cylinder point contact plate on cortical microcirculation 锥状点式接触钢板内固定对局部皮质骨微循环影响的实验研究
The authors will discuss the melting and casting technology to produce Cu Cr alloy casting, employing usual melting equipment and molding materials. The electric contact plate withstanding high voltage and current will serve as an example. 以采用常规的熔炼设备和造型材料熔铸出Cu-Cr合金铸件&高压大电流电极触头板为例讨论这一熔铸的工艺方法。
The plate leveling process is an elastic-plastic bending deformation process during which loading and unloading take place alternatively. The contact between the plate and roll series is nonlinear. So the precise analysis of leveling process is very difficult. 中厚板矫直是一个加载卸载交变进行的弹塑性弯曲过程,由于钢板与矫直辊系的接触呈几何非线性关系,因此精确分析矫直过程难度很大。
The characteristic of this model is to taking the effect of vapor condenses in air gap and membrane contact with cooling plate on heat and mass transfer into consideration. 所建立的传热传质模型,其特点是考虑空气隙内蒸汽冷凝及膜面与冷壁部分接触对传热传质的影响。
Contact plate gap measurement cannot timely indicate the change of plate gap caused by plate wear. 接触式测量法不能实时反映磨片磨损对磨盘间隙的影响。